Happy New Year 2012..!! Japanese New Year Card (年賀状:Nengajou)

Well even it's too late to say it, but let me say it anyway ^_^
Happy New Year 2012..!!

Last December 2011, I was trying to made a New Year Card for my friends in Japan.
From the articles I ever read before, New Year Card or Nengajou (年賀状) in Japanese become an important customs. Almost the same as Eid Fitr Card in Indonesia.
(But too bad now Eid Fitr Cards was substitute with SMS Y_Y)

In Japan Nengajou become a media of acknowledgement, basically like we want to tell our families or friends that..."Hey I'm here..!" ^_^.
Or in a raw thought we tell others that we are still alive..!

Back to my Nengajou, I made it with my ilegally Photoshop... hehehe
Shame on me because I cand afford to purchase legal one.

Since Year 2012 is a Dragon Year, I used Dragon as symbol.
I like Blue Colour, so I made Blue Dragon.
By the way, I didn't made it my self I was copying from some anime about "Blue Dragon". (..shame again ...>,<...)

In the center I used Red-White Circle, as a display of the flag of Indonesia and Japan.

Well I can't say it was a good Nengajou.
But at least I try to made it by myself for my friends.
I hope they like it.


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